
Personal ramblings and thoughts

Category: Uncategorized

  • Our overlooked achievements

    This morning as I got dressed for the day I couldn’t help but notice how long my nails were. I took a moment to just stare at them. And in that moment I felt incredibly proud of myself. I know this probably sounds like I’ve lost the plot, but hear me out. Up until around…

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  • A review of 2023

    I haven’t wrote a yearly review in quite a few years. I think my last one was a review of 2019, so it’s kind of understandable that I took a few years off given that the world was turned upside down in 2020. If I had to sum up this year in one word it…

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  • Working on the weekends

    Sometimes, I like to work on the weekends. It feels like a dirty secret admitting that because it seems like there’s a lot of shame around working on the weekends when you’re self-employed. But the truth is, sometimes I want to work on the weekend. Sometimes, I like to make the most of being self-employed…

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  • I have answers…

    Back in April I shared a post titled “A challenging start to the year” and in this post I talked about how I had been unwell for the whole year so far. Well, it’s now August 1st and I’m still unwell. However, I now know what’s wrong with me. At the time of writing that…

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  • Eurovision 2023

    I’ve watched Eurovision for as long as I can remember. Each year I would tune in, knowing that it was highly likely the United Kingdom would get zero points and/or be at the bottom of the leader board. Regardless, I always enjoyed watching the show. I particularly enjoyed trying to guess which countries would give…

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  • A challenging start to the year

    I had hoped to be more active here on this blog than I have been so far in 2023, but this year hasn’t got off to the greatest of starts. Strap yourself in; it’s going to be a long one! I’ve been unwell In November 2022 I caught the ‘vid for the first time. I…

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  • Twentynin(e)

    There’s a house on a street near when I live. It’s number 29 and they have a plaque outside with the word “Twentynine” on it. But the ‘e’ has fallen off the end making it “Twentynin”. Someone tried to replace the ‘e’ once but then it disappeared again. It makes me smile every time I…

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  • Am I blogging again?

    Answer: maybe! Hello everyone! Long time no speak. I’m Holly and I use to run a little personal blog called Empfire. I stopped publishing posts on there around the start of the panny d because I felt like I had nothing to say anymore, and I was struggling with burnout as a result of running…

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